May 13, 2011

Today, I received an email from a new Linked In contact, which leaves me wondering how much about networking they really know, understand or care about it.

The contact was through a group, and whilst we are now connected, I would say that I barely know this person and that they barely know me.  Kind of like meeting someone at a mixer and agreeing to swap contact details to investigate if we can do business together…

Whilst I have received countless unsolicited emails similar to this through my website from complete unknowns, the fact that someone would consider using a Social Media contact to send this type of email has left me somewhat bewildered.  I thought I would share the email I received, but I have blanked out the names – it’s the approach that has me wondering…

Addressing the Email

Firstly, the email was addressed with nearly 1390 addresses in the TO line.

Content of the message

“Dear fellow LinkedIn Friend, My name is …..  and I am a professional SEO Analysis

I noticed that you website is not on the first page in Google
search engine,Which means that your website is not doing its job bringing more
prospects to your business.

I understand that this is not ideal in an economy where everyone needs more clients
and money rather than rapid increase of monthly costs. However, my regular clients
experience real and measurable increases in their business as a result of my

What I have to offer is a professional written SEO Analysis report about your website
that when you give it to your webmaster and he implements my advice, you will
notice a huge increase in search engine rankings which will bring your business
more customers.

Send Me an email if interested
Email address: [email protected]

P.S. I Can also create custom Facebook Fanpages for your Buisness needs.

This is an advertisement and a promotional mail strictly on the guidelines of CAN-SPAM act of 2007 . We have clearly mentioned the source mail-id of this mail, also clearly mentioned the subject lines and they are in no way misleading in any form. We have found your mail address through our own efforts on the web search and not through any illegal way. If you find this mail unsolicited, please reply with “Remove” in the subject line and we will take care that you do not receive any further promotional mail.

(Address provided)

Let’s go through what I consider to be “bad networking”….

  1. Not respecting other peoples privacy by putting all email addresses in the To line.  Have you heard of the BCC function?
  2. Addressing  the message to approximately 1390 people!  Can you say SPAM?
  3. Starting the message with “Dear Fellow Linked In Friend” – do you even know who I am???
  4. Using phrases like “I noticed that you website is not on the first page in Google
    search engine…” – oh come on!  This one really annoys me: 

    1. Not on page 1 of Google for which terms?
    2. Have you really checked 1390 websites to see if they are on Page 1 – I doubt it
  5. The use of a GMail account as a contact and NO website to refer to… How do we know that this person can actually do the job?
  6. Social proof is missing – “my regular customers”…. where can I see testimonials or results?

I have to say the “CanSPAM” notice is cute.  I suppose I have given this person permission to send me advertisements – but I’ll be revoking that permission shortly.

It really looks to me that the sender has bought a ‘Search Engine Optimisation Business In A Box’ and is now out desperately trying to recoup the money they have shelled out.

I don’t consider Linked In, or any of the social media platforms, as platforms that allow me to send marketing missives to my connections.  I DO consider the platforms as ways to connect with like minded people and my target audience, and demonstrate the value that I offer.

How could the connection handled this differently?

Do some hard work really.

Craft an introductory email, connecting at a personal level with information about the services you provide and how they may help the person you’re connecting with.  This is called Prospecting – finding out who is your target audience and may be interested in your services.  Don’t try to sell straight out of the gates….

My Dad once told me: “You’ve got a kiss of lot of frogs before you find your prince”…. he was referring to doing business, not finding my life partner, at the time.  It’s a saying I’ve kept with me ever since – not every person we connect with, will become a customer.

Networking, done properly, can be fun – but remember it does have the word WORK in it – you have to work at it for it to be successful.

What are your thoughts?

About the Author Charly Dwyer

Charly has more than 30 years experience in the IT industry ranging from hands-on technical, to high-level business management, Charly has installed and configured computing equipment and has managed business contracts in excess of $25 million dollars.

As a result, Charly identifies the best way to integrate solutions and technologies for the most cost effective way to achieve a businesses outcome.

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  1. Great information Charly. Thank goodness for the delete button! This type of email seems to be getting more popular not only on LinkedIn but also Facebook and even Twitter. Have to love those spammers. They are about on the same level as my love of hackers!

    PS Thanks for the great tips on the WordPress Calendar and the linking text in WordPress. Holding on to it for future reference.

  2. Hi Charly, a timely reminder for those who are new at networking too. I recently received an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. We are on a common VA network. When I eventually accepted, she sent me a proforma “I’m a VA and may be able to help your business” email. I’m a VA too…… I thought she knew that, so why would she be trying to sell her VA services to me? Appropriate communication when networking goes a long way!


    1.  I know what you mean.  I often highlight my services to others in a similar line of business as sometimes we collaborate however, a thoughtful approach to connecting is really needed.

  3. Great blog Charly. I find that people I don’t know send me friend requests and then they don’t even introduce themselves! It is just like throwing out their business cards and seeing where they land. They don’t seem to give any thought to what they are doing. 

    1.  LOL @4106de7a4a9b3ee2c7f7476a913e1589:disqus ….. Love the analogy – throwing out their business cards and seeing where they land.  Whilst they may have a small success rate with this approach, they actually alieniate more people than not! 

  4.  Hi Charly, Brilliant I get them everyday and I check to see if they are in the group or not and if I feel like a bit weary I do not accept, But thank you for this Blog and I know I am not the only one getting these messages.

  5. Amazing, isn’t it?  I get people trying things like this on my all the time too.  I wouldn’t mind so much if they were genuine and they really HAD looked at my site but I know that usually they haven’t.  Otherwise they’d know the answer to some of the things they suggest I should be doing.

  6.  Hey Charly!

    Yeah, gotta love these. I always love the emails I get that start with, “Hello Webmaster”. Seriously? If you’re going to send out a canned email, at least, have the decency to find out my name first. Oh well. DELETE! 🙂


    1.  Oh yes John!!! My hubbie actually gets phone calls from these clowns – “Oh hello sir, we notice you aren’t on page 1…..”  He just laughs and hangs up.

      It’s bad enough getting the emails from our sites, but when it comes through a ‘connection’ on linked in, its a bit of a slap in the face.


{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}


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