March 25, 2013


Create Your Own WebTV show Without a doubt, meeting people in person is the best way to build connections and covert people from prospects into customers and then into long term customers.  This builds on the Know You, Like You, Trust You principle – when all three align, trust is developed and your target audience will buy from you.

However, when you are selling online or over a distance, meeting in person sometimes isn’t possible, or efficient.  Sure, you can set up Skype meetings, or hang out on Google+ (and I do) but sometimes that just doesn’t make sense.

This is why video is such a great medium!  It allows for you to deliver your message in person, and for people to connect with you… sounds great doesn’t it?

Well, one of the most effective, and surprisingly time efficient ways of using video, is by producing your own personally branded Web TV channel.

Now, if you’re like most people I know – you’re concerned that you could damage your reputation instead of building a powerful brand… valid concerns and you SHOULD be considering this.

The Wonderful Web Woman, Janet Beckers has done and it has revolutionised her business.  For years, Janet created a  successful weekly ezine – it was effective.  However, just over a year ago she ditched the ezine format and replaced it with a short and sweet branded weekly TV show. The results really surprised her. She cracked the code to rank highly in iTunes and has maintained the top 10 position in her category for well over a year.  She has taught others how to do this, and these students are debuting in the Top 5 in iTunes as well.

A WebTV Show Takes Too Much Time & Money

Right about now, you’re probably thinking that creating a WebTV show for your brand takes too much time and money.  It could do, but just like everything else, when you have the right formula and process, it doesn’t have to.  Janet has shared with the Wonderful Web Women community, that she spends the equivalent of 5 days to produce 12 months of  weekly programs and that this is 400% less time than she was spending on her old-fashioned ezine.

Most importantly, Janet has managed to do this with no fancy equipment, no studio and mostly free technology.

Find Out How To Create Your Own WebTV Show For Free…

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and create a strong personal brand that your target audience can connect with, then Janet Beckers “MeTV” training course is for you.  The best thing – the MeTV course is absolutely free… I’ve seen the people who have been through this training course and been able to help them as well.

Through the MeTV Course, you will learn exactly how Janet created the Wonderful Web TV show, and get the steps and processes to use so you can create your own successful WebTV show – without requiring a heap of time or money to do so…

Interested?  Then click here to register for Janets FREE MeTV webinar (occuring on March 27th – just a few days away) to find out how she did it, and how you can too.

About the Author Charly Dwyer

Charly has more than 30 years experience in the IT industry ranging from hands-on technical, to high-level business management, Charly has installed and configured computing equipment and has managed business contracts in excess of $25 million dollars.

As a result, Charly identifies the best way to integrate solutions and technologies for the most cost effective way to achieve a businesses outcome.

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