Email Marketing can be a powerful tool for a Small Business however, the major limitation is that you can only market to those who have requested to receive your newsletter.

What if you could post the link to your latest email newsletter on all your social networks and the like?  For me, that would increase my ‘reach’ by 1000’s of people.

You can! Both AWeber and Mailchimp Email Marketing Tools (likely others as well) provide links that a business can share with its community.  Below, I show you where you can find these links to share.


To get the link share your MailChimp email broadcast with your wider community, log into your MailChimp account and select the Campaigns tab to show the email broadcasts sent from your account:

Once this screen is displayed, locate the email campaign you want to share, and click the Social Share link. This will display the options to share your email campaign on different networks.

You can Tweet your link with an appropriate message using the dialogue box at the top of the screen or use the Social Network buttons at the bottom of the page to share your EMail campaign on Facebook, MySpace, Digg or Delicious.  Copy the link that appears in the top box to share on other networks like Linked In.


To share your broadcast email on AWeber, login to your AWeber account and select the list that has the email you want to share.

From the Messages drop down menu, select broadcasts:

In the section with the header, Sent Broadcasts, select the message you want to share and click on the subject line to display the message

On the next screen, scroll down to the Social Media / Sharing section and locate the Direct Link.  Copy that link to share your email broadcast with your social community.

About the Author Charly Dwyer

Charly has more than 30 years experience in the IT industry ranging from hands-on technical, to high-level business management, Charly has installed and configured computing equipment and has managed business contracts in excess of $25 million dollars.

As a result, Charly identifies the best way to integrate solutions and technologies for the most cost effective way to achieve a businesses outcome.

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