When you first pictured starting a coaching program you probably thought it would be easy and you would quickly create an income however, it is highly like that you have discovered very quickly that coaching is a business and needs to be treated like a business.  Just like any business, a coaching business is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it takes hard work to put together and keep together, and takes constant marketing attention.

Perhaps you have some clients you are coaching right now and you are seeing a steady stream of income.  However, you need to keep in mind that eventually these clients will move on and you will need new ones lined up and ready to go.  It is absolutely essential that you continue to market your coaching business now, while you are busy with current customers, and not wait until they are done.  If you wait, you will likely see a decline in income as you find new clients.How do you get new clients?

When you are already busy, finding new clients can be challenging.  Here are some simple ways you can find new clients.

  • Ask your current or previous customers for referrals – without a doubt, word of mouth referrals are a great way to build your business.  Offering a monetary incentive for a new client referral demonstrates how much you appreciate their faith in you and whilst a referral fee is not a new concept, it works for both offline and online coaching.  However, you will find that many of your existing clients will happily provide you with a reference – simply because you do a great job for them.
  • Have a website or blog where you can showcase your expertise.  People will go to your site to check you out and see what your coaching program is about.  Ensure that you provide tips that show you know what you’re talking about, but don’t give away everything for free or you won’t get clients.
  • Lead generation on your website is incredibly important and having a special giveaway offer in order to collect names and email addresses of people who visit your site.  These leads may be potential customers and by using Follow Up Emails and a regular newsletter, you can stay in contact with them.  In addition, it’s really important to have a way for your prospects and clients to easily contact you, as they may have questions regarding your services.
  • Another way to secure new clients is to post helpful information and answer questions on appropriate forums.  This is a great way to build relationships, develop credibility as an expert, and gain trust.  Be helpful on these sites, and you will find that people will come to you but directly and blatantly marketing will most likely alienate your readers.  In fact, blatant marketing of  your business on forums is frowned upon and can even get you banned – so be sure to follow the rules of the forum and see how others are posting and answering.
  • Get to know other coaches in your field.  Sometimes an associate will decide to cut back on her client load, or has an emergency where she can’t take on her next batch of clients – simply because of the relationship you have developed with her, she may refer these people to you.

Your coaching business not only needs clients to succeed, it needs good material.  By good material – it should be what the client wants.  Always take note of how coaching sessions are going, and always ask for feedback.  That way you can tailor your program to your clients.  You may think you know what they need, but it might not be what they want.

Are you a coach?  What methods do you find helpful in finding and securing new clients?  What has worked well for you, what hasn’t?  Leave your comments below…

About the Author Charly Dwyer

Charly has more than 30 years experience in the IT industry ranging from hands-on technical, to high-level business management, Charly has installed and configured computing equipment and has managed business contracts in excess of $25 million dollars.

As a result, Charly identifies the best way to integrate solutions and technologies for the most cost effective way to achieve a businesses outcome.

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