It’s not uncommon for an Affiliate Program manager to add a new affiliate to the system and then test their affiliate links.  In fact, this is good practice – ensuring that all the information you provide to your affiliates does indeed work.

Unfortunately, in doing that testing – you end up “cookieing” (I think I just made that word up) your computer, and if you don’t clear your Web Browsers cookies, the next ‘sale’ you process for a customer will most likely be attributed the affiliate whose link you just tested.  Frustrating as this may be, the system is working exactly as we want too….

When using iDevAffiliate, when a visitor is referred by an affiliate (using their affiilate link), an association is created between the visitors IP address and the affiliates’ ID.  When a sale is processed, the visitors IP address is passed back to iDevAffiliate and this is how the affiliate commission is recorded.  When this happens for the wrong reasons, it’s important to be able to “disassociate” the customer from the affiliate in your affiilate program, so that any future purchases of the customer are not incorrectly assigned to the affiliate.

In one of my podcast episodes, I demonstrate How To Manually Remove or Modify Commissions using iDevAffiliate however this is only part of the story. In the video below, I show how to remove the ‘association’ between the customers IP address and the affiliate ID.

For those who are glazing over at the moment, an IP Address is the numerical identification of an individual computer on the internet.  Think of it a little like the house (or flat) number in your street…

WARNING:  The techniques shown in this video are advanced management techiques.  Always backup your database before making these changes and if you are not confident in doing it, contact a professional like ourselves and get it done for you (it will save a whole heap of heartache).

[jwplayer config=”Out-of-the-Box” image=”” file=[secdl bucket=acl-training path=idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate-removingavisitorreferral.mp4]]

About the Author Charly Dwyer

Charly has more than 30 years experience in the IT industry ranging from hands-on technical, to high-level business management, Charly has installed and configured computing equipment and has managed business contracts in excess of $25 million dollars.

As a result, Charly identifies the best way to integrate solutions and technologies for the most cost effective way to achieve a businesses outcome.

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